
18-12-19 有望和Range Rover Evoque看齐,推出敞篷SUV 车型。专攻休旅车的Land Rover推出Range Rover Evoque车型后,更在2017年发表Convertible敞篷车型...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 farmed melons. The Liang people were industrious, and they frequently irrigated their land, so their...


18-11-25 ,搬回故乡?因为我爱这里,我爱的是真真实实的台湾。因为,我生在这里,长在这里,我是这里的一份子。上次去台东长滨,那是我母亲的故乡,我一直把台东当成自己的Mother land。每当我低潮,我只要去台东...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21  While working on the land one day, Xu heard someone approaching and yelling “Teacher.” Xu looked up and...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 1)

18-11-09 Emperor Shun. All three were considered sages. The land of China was peaceful and prosperous during the...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2) According to legend, since everybody...

Zeng Shen Sincerely Complied with Confucius’ Teachings

18-10-25 he could not accept the land without doing any work to earn it. The king's envoy advised him...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 1)

18-10-25 (pixabay) The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 1) Yu Shun was one of the Five...

2019 Range Rover Sport

18-10-09 。2019 Range Rover Sport 为其强大的动力传动系列增加了一种新的插电式混合动力车型。涡轮增压四缸和电动马达产生近400马力的功率,与其他插入式豪华SUV大致相同。Land Rover 估计...

A Discussion of “Righteousness” (Part 2)

18-10-10 a saying about the State of Qin over two thousand years ago: “To please the State of Qin with your land is...

2019  Land Rover SV Coupé

18-10-08 Land Rover (路虎)在2018年日内瓦车展上亮相的2019 SV Coupé代表了该品牌的巅峰之作。Range Rover于1970年以英国Leyland品牌首次推出,最初采用双门车身风格...

捷豹路虎 诠释优雅与越野的品牌力量

17-06-23 。路虎(Land Rover)以四驱车而举世闻名:自创始以来就始终致力于为其驾驶者提供不断完善的四驱车驾驶体验。在四驱车领域中,路虎公司不仅拥有先进的核心技术,而且充满了对四驱车的热情:他是举世公认的权威...

Timeless Music that Touches Nature and Heaven

17-06-18 Foraging birds would land and drop the food in their mouth to sing with Shi Kuang. One day King Ping of the...

沙漠中的王者 2017 Land Rover Discovery

17-06-03 ,也可能是全身心投入生活且懂得品味生活的小企业主们,更有可能是某个早起晚睡精明强干的地产经纪人。在某个假期,他们邀约两三家庭扎进某个神秘的无人区,进行一场说走就走的未知旅程。曾经的Land Rover第四代...

Governing People with Kindness and Virtue, Expressing the Demeanor of a Benevolent King

17-05-18 one was to permit farmers to work on public land and only have to pay 1/9 of the usual tax....

101亿伦敦买楼 〝重庆李嘉诚〞已清仓中国资产

17-05-02 》曾报导,此笔交易完成,将成为中国企业在英国房地产行业最大的收购案之一。它将凸显出中国资本流入世界各地房地产的趋势。据英媒报导,现年52岁的张松桥担任主席的中渝置地(CC Land Holdings Ltd...

一览芳华 2017纽约国际车展

17-04-22 及繁荣的百年后,纽约国际车展依旧保持著年度召开的传统。今年,纽约国际车展已迈入第117周年,于2017年4月14日在曼哈顿贾维斯中心开幕。本文列出部分车型,一睹名车风采。2017 New Land...

五大特点 “战斧”担纲大任

17-04-19  “战斧”式对地攻击导弹”(Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles,简称TLAMs)是1991年以来美国拥有的先进武器之一。“战斧”导弹的5大特点使它们成为了精准空袭叙利亚...


17-04-13 Rover Velar,是Land Rover旗下新型SUV,属于Range Rover系列,也恰好填补了Range Rover Evoque与Range Rover Sports车型间的市场空白。但在3月日...

The Significance of the Color Yellow in Traditional Chinese Culture

17-04-10 , "Heaven" represented gods at higher levels, and the reason that an emperor could rule the land...

硬派越野之典范 2017 ALL-NEW DISCOVERY

17-04-09 2017 Land Rover Discovery plays by a different playbook, or at least one with a few extra chapters.Land...

“跑车”SUV中的王者 2017 Range Rover EVOQUE

17-04-01 as you'd expect from Land Rover, the extensive list of standard creature comforts have...

A Man of Modesty Will Extend His Good Fortune

17-03-18 was revered as a saint by Confucius. King Cheng of Zhou once offered him the land of the Lu State, but...


17-03-16 饰演野兽一角,但因他要接拍《乐来越爱你》(La La Land),便改由丹•史蒂文斯饰演。而饰演蜡烛卢米埃的伊旺•麦奎格透露,说出正确法国口音对他而言,是诠释这角色最困难之处。另外,与艾玛•沃森曾在《壁...

How the Ancient Chinese Educated Their Children

17-03-11 a high government position, some of my students and old friends urged me to acquire land and property for...

Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 area of land called Lingqiu for the purpose of supporting his livelihood. Confucius turned the offer...

Upholding Virtue and Having Selfless Compassion for Others in Need

17-03-04 Dynasty and must take back the land in the north. As a result, Qin Hui was jealous of him. Qin Hui...


17-03-01。 《拆弹少年》(Land of Mine)又名:《地雷区》,该片是一部丹麦和德国合拍的历史剧情片,由马汀•赞帝维执导、编剧。曾在多伦多国际影展中作为全球首映片,并被丹麦提交至第...

奥斯卡颁错奖 川普:太专注攻击我 忽略本职

17-02-28 第89届奥斯卡颁奖典礼出现史上最大乌龙,颁奖嘉宾误将属于《月光男孩》(Moonlight)的最佳影片奖颁给了《爱乐之城》(La La Land),成了被全球网民恶搞的对象。总统川普(特朗普...

奥斯卡爆史上最大乌龙 最佳影片颁错奖场面超尴尬

17-02-27 Beatty)和费唐娜薇(Faye Dunaway)颁奖,一开始费唐娜薇宣布得奖者为《爱乐之城》(另译,乐来越爱你)(La La Land),但后来发现真正得奖影片是《月光下的蓝色男孩》(Moonlight...


17-02-20。 《拆弹少年》(Land of Mine)又名:《地雷区》,该片是一部丹麦和德国合拍的历史剧情片,由马汀•赞帝维执导、编剧。曾在多伦多国际影展中作为全球首映片,并被丹麦提交至第...

  Correcting One's Mistakes With Courage and Improving Oneself Without Delay

17-02-17 , "You are now rebuilding a large palace on more than one hundred acres of land, with three hundred...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 when hope has forsaken this land?" He pretended to obey the order, and hurried home immediately....

历阅巅峰 自成境界 2017款Range Rover

17-01-28 历阅巅峰 自成境界 2017款Range Rover在1970年,路虎揽胜是全球首款豪华SUV。如今,45年过去了,它仍一路领先,创造了一系列汽车工业举足轻重的技术突破。2017款最新车型是揽胜...


16-02-25 ,精确地计算出变化程度。2015年1月14日,地球资源探测卫星8号的实用陆地成像仪(Operational Land Imager)所获取的图像。(NASA)贝尔托解释:“冰川并不像那些冰原那么大。从距离...

2016年最佳汽车品牌排行榜 奥迪荣登榜首

16-02-24 (Cadillac)5825.道奇(Dodge)5826.克莱斯勒(Chrysler)5827.路虎(Land Rover)5528.三菱(Mitsubishi)5129.吉普(Jeep)4330.菲亚特(Fiat...


16-02-16 ),装修费(Mechanic’s Lien)等等。这些债务会跟着房子走,所以在过户前一定要卖主把它们清除掉。如果没有问题,过户后律师会到当地土地管理局(Department of Land Record...


16-02-15 揭晓。于是,大批的欧洲人,尤其是德国人远赴美国,只为了亲眼一睹这令人头晕目眩的旷世奇观,而此时,美国人还蒙在鼓里,这批人潮涌动,惊动了美国政府,1997年美国土地管理局(Bureau of Land...

美国对伊朗导弹项目实施新制裁 包括一中国公民

16-01-23 任何金融交易,他们在美国和美国银行的财产和资产将被冻结。 在香港注册的公司安徽置地集团有限公司(Anhui Land group Сo., Limited)被列入“黑名单”。路透社表示,美国17日宣布的新一轮...

汽车与电影碰撞出10大经典 你选哪个?

16-01-22 》  Land Rover jeep, and "Tomb Raider"    在《古墓丽影》里女主角劳拉的驾驭下,装备精良的路虎穿山越岭,造型酷到极点。也许是由于路虎在第一部电影里太过成功...